Google Meet 

Google Meet is an enterprise-grade video conferencing service available to everyone. The software allows anyone with a Google Account to create an online meeting with up to one-hundred and meet for up to sixty minutes per meeting.

Businesses, schools, and other organizations can take advantage of advanced features, including meetings with up to 250 internal or external participants and live streaming to up to 100,000 viewers within a domain.

Google Meet works on any device. Join a meeting from your desktop/laptop, android, or iPhone/iPad.

Click here to learn about the Affordable Connectivity Program (a replacement of the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program)

Getting Started

Copy of Getting Started with Google Meet
Creating a Google Account
How to Split screen on a Chromebook

Chat and Meet in Google Classroom


Thank you to Aaron Young (Technology Integration Teacher for North Country Union High School) for this guide on breakout rooms in Google Meet. 

NCSU Student/Parent Getting Started with Google Meet

Latest Updates- 12/4/2020

1. Temporary Recordings feature: With temporary recordings, a new free feature coming to G Suite for Education, any meeting host will be able to record a meeting and share the recording within their domain for up to 30 days before the video expires. Temporary recordings can't be shared outside the host's domain or downloaded. G Suite Enterprise for Education customers will have continued access to premium recordings.

2. Improved teacher controls:

3. Approve requests to join: During a video meeting, only the meeting creator can see and approve requests to join the meeting from outside of the school's G Suite domain.

4. Prevent meeting reuse: Students can't rejoin the call if teachers leave a nicknamed meeting last.


1. Can external participants (participants not from your domain) join a meeting without needing to accept them?

No, it is not possible for an external participant to join a call without being accepted into the call. Any meeting participant from the meeting organizer's domain can accept external participants. We're working on expanding this functionality. Follow this article to keep yourself updated. 

2. Can I restrict participants from accepting external participants into a meet? 

No, it is not possible to restrict participants within your domain to accept external users' join requests (e.g: disable students from accepting external requests isn't possible). We're working on giving more control to meeting owners. Follow this article to keep yourself updated. 

3. Can I make sure students don't use the meeting ID after the class is over? Can I 'start' and 'end' the call so students can't be in the call unsupervised?

Students will not be able to re-join a meeting after the final participant has left if: 

This means that if the teacher is the last person to leave these types of meetings, students cannot join later without the teacher. This feature has started rolling out and should be available to customers within 2-3 weeks. 

4. Can I make sure students are only able to join meetings and not create their own meetings? How do I change our Meet settings so only teachers can create meetings?

Yes, it is possible to disable meeting creation for students. The way this can be achieved is by enabling 'Meet video calling' only for the teacher's organizational unit. By doing so, only teachers will be able to create meetings while students will only be able to join the created meetings. Please reach out to Aime Forbes or your building admin if this is something you would like setup for your building.  

5. Can someone outside my organization join a livestream?

No, it is not possible for an external participant to join a live stream from your organization. 

6. Can I prevent students from muting or ejecting other participants?

Yes, this is a recently rolled out feature. In case this isn't available on your account already, it will become available in the next 1-2 weeks.